How Heat and AC Contribute To Your Energy Bill
There are a lot of components to how much energy your home uses on average, and what the biggest drain is. It could certainly be your kids forgetting to unplug electronics when they’re finished with them, or leaving lights on all the time. However, a large chunk of energy consumption can come from your heat and air conditioning running more than they should. If this precious heated or cooled air you’re paying for isn’t properly trapped in your home to circulate, both must continue running to keep the temperature comfortable. This is how you get those monstrous bills, particularly in winter and summer. So, what can you do?
Get Fresh Attic Insulation
More than likely, your home already has insulation in the attic. However, if it’s been there since your home was first built, or has suffered various damage over the years, it’s possible it’s not working as well as it should. It may have even shifted over time, leaving open spots for air to easily escape. Whether you decide to have it all taken out and replaced, or want to just add some additional padding, either decision can drastically increase the stability of your home’s temperature, and cut down on energy costs over time. -
Install A Radiant Barrier
This is particularly helpful for those living in very sunny areas. Radiant barriers essentially bounce the sun’s rays back out and away from the home, rather then letting them seep through and heat it up. Having one put in will lessen your use of the air conditioning, because you won’t need it as much as you would otherwise. It’s a great investment for keeping your house cooler overall! -
Have Attic Air Sealing Done
Even with carefully put in insulation that’s the right amount for your particular area, it’s hard to cover every little nook and cranny. Stuffing insulation in tight spots, such as around pipes, can actually drastically lower its effectiveness. Instead, having air sealing done can reduce those problem spots where air is still escaping far more easily. Liquid caulking is used to carefully close up small cracks where wiring and other such things are, making sure that your attic is locked down and ready to keep your family comfortably warm.